
Hazardous passage for at risk youth

“Foster children should be allowed to stay at home until they are 21” says Virginia Rowden, director, social policy, and mentor for the YouthCAN program, Ontario Association of Children’s Aid  Societies. According to the May 21, 2010 report in the Toronto Star, youth in care do not do as well as other young people. Fewer…Read more

By larry on April 11, 2011

The Teen Brain: Its just not grown up yet

Research now supports what parents have long suspected—that the teenager’s brain is different than the adult brain. The teenage brain – Its just not grown up yet. Recent research by scientists at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has found that the teen brain is not a finished product,…Read more

By larry in , , , on March 31, 2011

Paranoia: Is There An Antidote?

Glory in the Highest Thousands of things go right for you every day, beginning the moment you wake up. Through some magic you don’t fully understand, you’re still breathing and your heart is beating, even though you’ve been unconscious for many hours. The air is a mix of gases that’s just right for your body’s…Read more

By larry in on March 15, 2011

Don’t Worry About Being Happy

My friend and colleague Martin Vera, who is a speech pathologist, sent me an interesting article on Being Happy. It really questions the discourse around what this pursuit has come to mean in Western society and whether or not this is a worth while goal to strive for. How do you define your happiness? French…Read more

By larry in on March 14, 2011

Maybe so, Maybe not. We’ll see.

There is a Chinese Proverb that goes something like this… A farmer and his son had a beloved stallion who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse ran away and their neighbors exclaimed, “Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” A few days…Read more

By larry on March 1, 2011

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